Additional Information

Some of the companies with jobs in biotechnology

a) Glaxo Smith Kline
b) Zeneca
c) Rhone-Poulene- Rorer
d) CellTech
e) British Biotechnology
f) Xenova

Some of the Indian companies with
jobs in Biotechnology

a) Hindustan Lever Ltd.
b) Thapar Group
c) Indo-American
d) Hybrid seeds
e) Biocon
f) Hindustan Antibiotics
g) Tata Engineering Research Institute
h) Dr. Reddy’s laboratory
i) Reliance

Some of the Top leading Biotechnology companies of the world

a) Amgen, USA
b) Genetech, USA
c) Serono, Switzerland
d) Biogen Idec, USA
e) Genzyme, USA
f) Chiron
g) Gilead, USA
h) CSL, Australia
i) Cephalon

Some of the leading Institutes/ Universities doing top quality biotechnology research

a) Harvard
b) University of Tokyo
c) University of London

Some of the leading universities which produced maximum number of biotechnological patents

a) University of Texas
b) U.C. San Francisco
c) John Hopkins
d) Stanford
e) Cornell Univ.

Some of the leading universities/Institutes which transformed biotechnological research into commercial enterprises

a) Massachusetts Institute of Technology
b) University of California
c) Stanford University
d) Univ. of Florida
e) Univ. of Minnesota
f) Brigham Young Univ.
g) Univ. of British Columbia
h) Univ. of Michigan
i) New York University

Some of the Universities offering bioengineering or biotechnology at undergraduate level

The University of the sciences in Philadelphia offers courses in Bioinformatics

Chiang Mai University offers courses in Agro-Industrial Biotechnology programme

University of Pennsylvania Center for Bioinformatics, University of Pennsylvania offers undergraduate programme in “Computational Biology” and “Mathematical Biology”.

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